God is Sovereign. So what?

God is Sovereign. It’s a simple statement. But without understanding the full depth of what this means, I run the risk of it becoming meaningless. Too often my daily behavior is effectively a “so what” response to the Absolute Power and Authority of God. So it’s important to delve into the deeper meaning of God’s Sovereignty. To neglect to do so is to run the risk of outright rebellion against God. The sin of presumption or rebellion is classified as a reproach or blasphemy against God.  It is considered so heinous that in the Old Testament it may even have warranted a death sentence. 

But the person that does anything presumptuously, whether he is native-born, or a stranger, the one brings reproach on The LORD; and he shall be cut off from among his people.– Numbers 15:30

I used to think the phrase “cut off from among his people” only meant banishment. And it does mean that, but it also means to be executed.  And since verse 31 reiterates this phrase with the words “that person shall be COMPLETELY CUT OFF” it sort of suggest the more extreme version of the sentencing. 

Of course my New Testament “covered by the blood of Christ” mentality has a tendency to shrug off my rebellious impulses knowing that I’m forgiven. But God didn’t change His opinion of rebellion after Christ died and rose again. He just deflected the punishment away from me. It’s still a profoundly horrific blasphemy against my Creator. So I absolutely have to take it seriously.

In order to take rebellion seriously, you have to understand what you are rebelling against. That “what” is the Sovereignty of The Almighty God. 

God is Sovereign. Now what?

Now... Wisdom. Earlier this week I did a little brainstorming on what I knew of sovereignty based on the human concepts of the word.  It’s a word we use almost exclusively of governments. Whether they be Monarchies, Democracies, Theocracies or some other  “-ocracy” they all bring the concept of sovereignty into play to some degree. 

I looked up meanings from the dictionary, thesaurus, law books and political books to help me be better understand sovereignty.  As I took notes, some very specific characteristics began to jump out at me. Ultimately I came up with about  30 different qualities, rights and privileges of sovereignty. As I looked over the list I found I was able to classify them under four major categories.

Authority        Honor             Justice             Independence

As interesting as this exercise was, it doesn’t mean anything unless I learn how these apply to God Himself and what that means for me.  Ultimately, I need wisdom from the Word of God to understand this profound concept and why it’s so important.

So for the next few posts I’m going to share the various qualities of sovereignty as it pertains to these four major ideas. Not so much to draw out some profound conclusions but to simply see what that Bible says about God.  I’m hoping that as I meditate on these scriptures my rebellious  nature will begin to weaken and be transformed into a more humble and obedient one. 

But I could use your help. I invite anyone reading these posts to share any additional qualities that you think belong in the categories along with scriptures that support it.  


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