A thought worked out & meeting the limits of my peace.
Two more recent entries. Both good lessons.
11.1.13 Entry
I have been working my mind on how to articulate this one thought:
There is essentially no difference in the sight of God between having your joy in Christ and getting everything you want and need, and having your joy in Christ and getting absolutely nothing you want and need. The only penetrating reality is the Joy of the Lord. Desire and even material needfulness are fleeting and always subject to change.
Happiness. Peace. Joy. Must be rooted wholly in God and nothing else or they will be inherently weak. Any condition placed upon God for our happiness that is outside of His Person is a hollow manipulation of His Grace. And while He is not indifferent to our cares and needs He will not serve them nor make them His master.
One must therefore, embrace with equal rejoicing and praise the blessings bestowed along with the disappointment. To stand before the Presence of God and hear Him say "no" is equal in all ways to standing before Him and hearing Him say "yes." For the sustaining truth of both is this: Whether "yes" or "no" His answer is for our highest good and the greatest grace is not that we are granted or denied our request; but that we are permitted, and yes, even desired to stand before the Glory of His Awesome Presence and speak to Him as a beloved child to her Father.
10.25.13 8:25am
Today will be short. Perhaps 10 minutes. But this was a good exercise because it took over an hour to get here. Traffic was heavy and there was a car behind me that was very impatient. I spent a lot of the time in prayer. I think it was a good effort to strive after the Presence of God in all places and circumstances. To pray for that. Because I want it at all times, not just here at the beach. I want it whether people are being nice to me or being jerks.
I confess the tailgater threw me off my effort. And while I tempered any outbursts or negative thoughts my peace was still disrupted. So that is, I think, a lesson too. Maybe it isn't about me making an effort, but about surrendering to God. Letting the effort be all His.
I am glad I lost the peace I was holding by my own efforts. If not I would have thought myself especially holy and I don't need that kind of falseness going into this day. I want God's peace. The kind He gives by Grace and maintains by His Strength. The kind that can see into the heart of a tailgater and look past his anger and impatience and love him.
Lord, please bless that person. Give him peace. Protect him. Whatever the fear, frustration or yearning that is driving him, please meet him there. Thank You for that encounter. Thank You for humbling me. Thank you for giving me enough love to forgive and pray for him, because it could be that he has no one else to pray for him this day. And that is a grave poverty indeed. Thank You for the tears of compassion for this stranger, who is no stranger to you, but a child in need of love. Do not take this compassion from me, nor let me abandon it. But by Your Grace and Power keep my heart in love and peace through Christ Jesus.
11.1.13 Entry
I have been working my mind on how to articulate this one thought:
There is essentially no difference in the sight of God between having your joy in Christ and getting everything you want and need, and having your joy in Christ and getting absolutely nothing you want and need. The only penetrating reality is the Joy of the Lord. Desire and even material needfulness are fleeting and always subject to change.
Happiness. Peace. Joy. Must be rooted wholly in God and nothing else or they will be inherently weak. Any condition placed upon God for our happiness that is outside of His Person is a hollow manipulation of His Grace. And while He is not indifferent to our cares and needs He will not serve them nor make them His master.
One must therefore, embrace with equal rejoicing and praise the blessings bestowed along with the disappointment. To stand before the Presence of God and hear Him say "no" is equal in all ways to standing before Him and hearing Him say "yes." For the sustaining truth of both is this: Whether "yes" or "no" His answer is for our highest good and the greatest grace is not that we are granted or denied our request; but that we are permitted, and yes, even desired to stand before the Glory of His Awesome Presence and speak to Him as a beloved child to her Father.
10.25.13 8:25am
Today will be short. Perhaps 10 minutes. But this was a good exercise because it took over an hour to get here. Traffic was heavy and there was a car behind me that was very impatient. I spent a lot of the time in prayer. I think it was a good effort to strive after the Presence of God in all places and circumstances. To pray for that. Because I want it at all times, not just here at the beach. I want it whether people are being nice to me or being jerks.
I confess the tailgater threw me off my effort. And while I tempered any outbursts or negative thoughts my peace was still disrupted. So that is, I think, a lesson too. Maybe it isn't about me making an effort, but about surrendering to God. Letting the effort be all His.
I am glad I lost the peace I was holding by my own efforts. If not I would have thought myself especially holy and I don't need that kind of falseness going into this day. I want God's peace. The kind He gives by Grace and maintains by His Strength. The kind that can see into the heart of a tailgater and look past his anger and impatience and love him.
Lord, please bless that person. Give him peace. Protect him. Whatever the fear, frustration or yearning that is driving him, please meet him there. Thank You for that encounter. Thank You for humbling me. Thank you for giving me enough love to forgive and pray for him, because it could be that he has no one else to pray for him this day. And that is a grave poverty indeed. Thank You for the tears of compassion for this stranger, who is no stranger to you, but a child in need of love. Do not take this compassion from me, nor let me abandon it. But by Your Grace and Power keep my heart in love and peace through Christ Jesus.
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