Even in this...

There is a story of an ancient king who sought out a wise man for advice. The king wanted a single phrase that could be spoken in times of good fortune and in times of great calamity. In good times the phrase would serve to sober the people lest they become overcome with rejoicing to the point of intemperance. In bad times it would serve to give them hope lest they be overwhelmed with despair. The wise man pondered it for a moment and then spoke this timeless wisdom, "This too shall pass."

There are days when we win and days when we lose.  They are so starkly different in their effect on us. In the former we rejoice as if it will never end. In the latter we mourn as if we cannot see tomorrow making things much better however much we might know otherwise with our rational minds.

The days we win are such as these... The birth of a child, passing a test at school, winning the big game, turning 18, turning 21, first kiss, falling in love, getting engaged or married, buying a house, buying a car, vacations, getting the job, making lots of money, making a good friend, starting a business, getting a good medical report, saving someone's life.

The days we lose are likewise but in shadow... The death of a loved one, failing a class, losing the game, being abandoned, first heartbreak...any heartbreak really, divorce, foreclosure, getting fired, going bankrupt, betraying a friend or being betrayed by one, losing a business, getting sick or in a devastating accident, hurting some else badly maybe even killing them.

Somehow in the midst of all these winners and losers we do know in our hearts - unless we are utterly deluded or utterly bereft - that "this too shall pass." But is it enough? The very nature of this wisdom and the only strength of its comfort is rooted in days to come. You may live in the house for years before misfortune strikes and foreclosure puts you out. Knowing that a good thing will pass may sober you but it does not necessarily humble you or cause you not to take it all for granted. You may live alone years after that divorce before your heart is strong enough to seek love again. Knowing that hardship will pass will give you hope, but in itself that knowledge does not sustain you until you reach those better days. 

So I offer another phrase to my friends who are winning and losing. One which, no matter how lofty your present perch, will humble your heart and quiet your soul. Words that will sustain you no matter how deep the pit you may find yourself in.  

Even in this, God is greater.

You think you can not be any happier than you are at this moment, that no evil thing can mar your future. What more could you ask for? Even in this, God is greater. Greater than your shining victories, more magnificent than any skill or talent you possess. Not tomorrow, not in days to come or even in the hereafter. Right now. Right at this moment there is a joy unspeakable and a glory indescribable that is yours for the having. Humble yourself then and thank Him for your present victory, for it is His delight to show you even more.

You think you do not know how you will make it out of this darkness, that hope is so far off that you can not imagine it, nor conceive of anything that would make things right again. Even in this, God is greater. Greater than your most wrenching despair, greater than your shattering failures. Not tomorrow. Not after time has passed, not after the grave has rendered it all insignificant. But right here, right now. He will carry you through the ache and confusion, and loss. He is forgiving you and teaching you to forgive. He is healing you in the midst of your pain. He is aching with you and loving you back to Himself. And He will never leave you.

Win or lose...
Even in this, God is greater.


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