Word of God Speak
Whenever I hear people say that they have read the Bible and they don't get it, or even that they have "studied it" and found too many contradictions to ever believe it, I can only shake my head. For the one who has only read it, or who has read it with the sole purpose of discrediting it has scarcely touched the thing at all. They mistake it, understandably, for a book. They do not know that this is a mystical object. A talisman of such great power that only the true seeker may unlock its mysteries. It is a living thing, an avatar of the Most High, and it is wily and cunning. The casual reader will discover that it veils itself as little but a loose collection of quaint stories, allegories, legends, and poetry. And the worshiper of human reason will find himself shut out by concepts and statements that appear to make the thing fall to pieces in his hands. Oh it has deliberately distracted you, like the illusionist whose sleight of hand diverts your eyes from what he is really up to. If you have only read it, my friend, well then you are trying to open a seven combination lock with but a single digit.
The word of God cannot merely be read for it to come alive. If you want feel it breathe, to heart its heartbeat, to taste the sweetness of God on your own tongue you must not end the encounter with a but a read through.
You must speak it; let it wash over your lips and swirl it around on your tongue. Taste it, feel the vibrations of its power in your throat.
You must hear it; let it speak to you, sing over you, call out to you. It will make you promises if you listen closely, it will inspire your hopes.
Oh, you must most assuredly meditate on it. Think about it all day, roll it around in your brain, let it paint over the walls of your mind, focus on it, daydream about it. Revel in it with every idea, imagining and intention until it changes your inner life.
As this begins to happen more and more you will find that you will pray it. Your prayers will be laced with it, you will fall on your face before God and offer up yourself all gilded with His own sweet words and you will feel your own loveliness in His eyes.
Soon you will begin striving to live it. You will long to obey God in everything. The slightest fault or failure will be a heartbreak for the missed opportunity to do His will. Oh just to please Him by your every thought, word or deed. How quick you will be to repent, for you can not stand to withdraw from the light for even a moment.
But most importantly you must love it. It must be your soul's sweet wine. You will crave it with the passion of a lover. You will yearn for it and then thrill at its presence.
Such clues for unlocking its power are hidden in the Bible itself, scattered like diamonds throughout its pages. You need only look with the spirit of one who desires a great adventure into the realm of the unseen.
And yet for those who come to it in desperate need, in hunger of soul or in love-born seeking for the Master's Voice it opens like a flower. It knows you have need of it, it knows you. Take it in your hands now. Feel it. Touch its pages. As you hold it, it is holding you. As you touch it, it is reaching within you. You open it and begin to look for something, anything, just a word, a tenderness, a way back, a welcome; and as you do it is embracing you. It is touching your face, taking your hands, leading you deeper, cleaning off the dust and grime, feeding you, giving you rest and strengthening you for the journey.
Psalms 119:18
Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
Psalms 37:31
The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
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